In all aspects of the mediation process, neutrals find themselves providing information, guidance, and encouragement to parties in conflict, assisting their progress towards acceptable outcomes and resolution.
With the introduction of the education portion of the ADRFitz website, the plan is to provide guidance to parties and their representatives in the diverse approaches and theories that the mediation community has developed over several decades and continues to evolve, all with the intention of improving communication, mutual understanding, and agreeable resolution of disputes.
Mediation in Pennsylvania presents unique challenges and opportunities based upon the historical development of ADR locally and an understanding of where we are in relation to programs in surrounding and distant jurisdictions. These comparisons will help us understand the broad possibilities and options available under these unique Keystone state guidelines. We will discuss Pennsylvania’s mediation climate frequently.
Pennsylvania presents varied structures based upon locale and substantive subject matter ranging from relatively strict guidelines to none whatsoever. Reviewing what is working and what is being undertaken to reform mediation in some parts of our state can inform and guide our own approaches. We will report upon those developments from time to time.
Frequently, parties and their representatives involved in or facing a pending dispute have questions about how and when to proceed with various options under ADR. They may also be curious about what the benefits and potential downsides are of proceeding either through initiating traditional litigation or exploring ADR options, and what remedies might be available at what stage in a dispute. The short answer is that the possibilities are endless and most flexible when the parties and their representatives are open to exploring the full potential of all remedies. We will frequently report upon and provide guidance on how to initiate effective ADR processes at all stages of disputes.
Professional organizations, profit and nonprofit corporate boards and civic organizations frequently turn to ADR trained neutrals to facilitate and manage internal conflict resolution and effective risk management planning techniques. ADRFitz consults several organizations which benefit from this training. We will periodically provide insights and snapshots of the possibilities available through training and seminar services.
At ADRFitz, we enjoy considerable experience providing training for effective dispute resolution participation as neutrals or as representatives of disputing parties in ADR proceedings. With over 30 years of active involvement in all aspects and levels of ADR processes, ADRFitz provides effective and high utility training for organizations and individuals charged with cost effective resolution of disputes and representation of disputing parties.
We are happy to address any questions you may have about Education via our contact form.
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